
Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching
On December 11, 2009, the award ceremony for excellence in Academic Teaching in memory of V. Xanthopoulos and St. Pneumatikos will take place for 19th year in the Old Hellenic Parliament in Athens. The award will be given by the President of the Hellenic Republic, His Excellency Mr. Karolos Papoulias to Ms. Souzanna Papadopoulou, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Crete.
Vassilis Xanthopoulos and Stefanos Pneumatikos, Professors at the University of Crete and members of FORTH, were murdered in the evening of November 27, 1990, at Heraklion while teaching an advanced seminar.
FORTH, with a view to paying tribute to their academic and teaching work whilst keeping their memory alive has created an annual Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching that is given to a member of the Greek Academic Community.
The concept of Excellence in Academic Teaching goes beyond the capacity for clear, comprehensible and interesting teaching while in class. It encompasses all the activities that open new scientific horizons for the student, provide inspiration and guidance through research, impart a sense of scientific values and inspire a quest for truth.
The Award is decided by a Committee of distinguished Academic Teachers that includes a wide range of sciences. Each awardee, since his/her selection, becomes automatically member of the Committee. Manolis Andronikos, the distinguished Archaeologist, was the President of the Committee until his death.
In 1991, the first year of the institution, the award was given to the Emeritus Professor at the National Technical University, Mr. Petros Kriezis.
In 1992, the award was given to the Archaeology Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mr. Dimitrios Pantermalis.
In 1993, the award was given to the Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Constantine Gardikas.
In 1994, the award was given to the Professor of Space Physics and Technology at the Democritus University of Thrace, Mr. Emmanuel Sarris.
In 1995, the award was given to the Emeritus Professor of Law School at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Andreas Gazis.
In 1996, the award was given to the Professor of Medicine School at the University of Ioannina, Mr. Panayiotis Soukakos.
In 1997, the award was given to the Emeritus Professor at the National Technical University, Mr. John Tegopoulos.
In 1998, the award was given to the Emeritus Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ms. Georgia (Gina) Pesketzi-Politi.
In 1999, the award was given to the Professor of Biochemistry of Medicine School at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Constantine E. Sekeris.
In 2000, the award was given to the Professor of Mathematics at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Vassilios A. Dougalis.
In 2001, the award was given to the Professor of School of Philology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mr. Panayiotis Moullas.
In 2002, the award was given to the Professor of Medicine at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Theodore Moundokalakis.
In 2003, the award was given to the Emeritus Professor of Physics Department at the University of Crete, Mr. Panayiotis Lambropoulos.
In 2004, the award was given to the Professor of Philosophy Faculty at the University of Crete, Mr. Theodore Chantzipantazis.
In 2005, the award was given to the Professor of Pathology at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Charalampos Moutsopoulos.
In 2006, the award was given to the Professor of Computer Science at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Ioannis Ioannides.
In 2007, the award was given to the Professor of Constitutional Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mr. Antonios Manitakis.
In 2008, the award was given to the Professor of Medicine at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Charalampos Roussos.
This year, at the 19th award ceremony, the Professor of Mathematics at the University of Crete, Ms. Souzanna Papadopoulou is the recipient of the award as "her academic career in characterized by a continuous dedication on the principles of academic excellence and an exceptional devotion to the educational process and teaching".
Following the award ceremony, the awardee Professor, Ms. Souzanna Papadopoulou will give a lecture on "The Mathematical education and its contribution to development and civilization".