FORTH: Successful participation in eHealth Forum 2016
Rich experiences and networking were some of the gains of this year’s participation in the eHealth Forum 2016 for the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH). The event was held at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, on October, 25th and 26th, 2016.
FORTH-ICS participated actively in several sessions with presentations, talks, and involvement in panel discussions, as well as with a stand in the eHealth 2016 forum and a live demonstration of innovative technology at the Festival which was held at the Technopolis City of Athens, Gazi.
You may find more information about the event here: http://www.ehealthforum.org, and in the Greek Press Release.
Contact Info:
Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Head of Centre for eHealth Applications and Services, Τel. +30 2810391589, E-mail: katehaki@ics.forth.gr
Kostas Marias, Principal Researcher and Head of Computational BioMedicine Laboratory, Τel. +30 2810391672, E-mail: kmarias@ics.forth.gr