Industrial Technologies 2014 - Smart Growth through Research and Innovation
“Industrial Technologies 2014 - Smart Growth through Research and Innovation” conference is organised under the Greek Presidency of the European Council during the first semester of 2014, in Athens on April 9-11th 2014, in Athens Megaron Conference Hall. The event is under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Research & Technology (GSRT) and is supported by The European Commission Directorate for Research and Innovation.
The Conference is planned to be an open forum, in which interactions between research, academic and industrial sectors will be fostered. The conference aims at presenting the multidimensional perspectives for the development οf Nano, Materials and Production technologies.
The main Conferencegoals include the following:
- To foster discussions on the new Framework Programme Horizon 2020 some calls of which are expected to be open at the time of the conference.
- To oversee development and financing of KETs (Key Enabling Technologies) within the framework of Horizon 2020.
- To enhance the collaboration between the scientific community and the industry.
- To assist the interaction between the industry and the academia, with new ideas and new research for innovative products.
- To open up the activities of the Smart Specialization (RIS3) initiative which will be funded by the Cohesion Fund and refers to ideas that originate from the regions and develop into business propositions and products.
- To discuss possible interactions and synergies between Smart Specialization and research actions of Horizon 2020.
More than 1000 delegates are expected to attend the Conference, mainly from EU countries and the Balkan countries. The expected attendeesareallstakeholdersin the broad area of NMPandinclude representativesfrom the industry andSMEs,researchcentresanduniversities,students, aswellas,policymakersatregional,member state and transnationallevels.
The congress is structured in such a way that includes, three plenaries and four parallel streams of up to 15 core sessions, workshops on cutting-edge issues of nanotechnology, advanced materials and manufacturing processes, side events such as a matchmaking session, special section on Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and two exhibitions; one referring to research excellence and innovation of Greek companies (Greek Showcase) organized by SEV and the other to innovative products from international companies operating in Europe.
The Industrial Technologies 2014 event is jointly organised by two financial Projects (Coordination Support Action), IndustryTech2014 and InnoPro. The IndustryTech2014 is coordinated by the Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH / ICE-HT) with partners the Federation of Greek Industries (SEV) and the Finish company Spinverse. INNO-PRO is coordinated by the University of Patras and a number of Greek industrial partners. Chairman and coordinator of the Event is Professor Costas Galiotis from University of Patras and Director of FORTH / ICE-HT and Co-chairman, Professor George Chrysolouris also from University of Patras and Director of the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS)..
For more information on the objectives and the themes of the Conference, please visit the official website at: