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IMBB takes part in the great scientific achievement of mapping the human genome
The 12 February 2001 issue of Nature journal publishes the first series of scientific papers on a historical scientific achievement that marked the turning of the 21st century, namely the analysis of the structure of the human genome. By publishing the scientific results in question, Nature follows up the celebratory announcement of this huge achievement, made last June, an achievement that is expected to dramatically accelerate progress in Biology and Medicine in the shortly forthcoming years.
This first series of papers is the result of a ten-year cooperation among research teams from the USA, the Far East and Europe, including the Human Molecular Genetics laboratory, headed by Mr. Nikos K. Moschonas, associate researcher of FORTH, professor of Molecular Biology in the Biology Department of the University of Crete.
The international Human Genome Project involves the detailed mapping of all chromosomes, determining the DNA sequence, characterizing the 50-100,000 human genes, studying genetic diversity in man while also analyzing the genomes of other organisms, widely used in laboratories as model systems. This project paves the way towards understanding the biological function of all human genes and directly contributes, among other things, to the development of new advanced methods for diagnosis and treatment.
Not only does IMBB participate in the genome analysis of model organisms, but it also participated in the European laboratories network for the analysis of the human genome from the very onset (1991). In particular, the team lead by Mr. Moschonas has undertaken the systematic genome analysis of chromosome 10. Mr. Moschonas is the Senior Editor for chromosome 10 in HUGO, the worldwide organization hosting the program. Having mapped chromosome 10, the research efforts of the IMBB team, in cooperation with other teams of the institute, now turn to the systematic functional analysis of biologically significant genes contained in this chromosome and the creation of a European network for the identification of genes associated with neurological diseases.
For more information please contact:
Dr. George Thireos, IMBB Director
Tel.: +30 2810 391109
Dr. N. Moschonas
Tel.: +30 2810 394357, Fax: +30 2810 394408