
Οnline workshop with the title: “Contribution of Geoinformatics in Soil Erosion Modeling”
The GeoSat ReSeArch lab of Institute for Mediterranean Studies - Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, and Technical University of Crete are organizing an online workshop with the title:
“Contribution of Geoinformatics in Soil Erosion Modeling”
Under the framework of “5DARE” project
The purpose of this online workshop is to raise a dialogue between soil experts and Geoinformatic experts about the use, perspective, and current limits of geospatial data and tools in modeling soil erosion.
We would be glad if you could join and participate. To save your “seat”, please register in advance here:
(after registration, you will receive a confirmation email)
For further information, do not hesitate to contact with the Organizing Committee: Dr. Dimitrios Alexakis ( and Dr. Christos Polykretis (