
FORTH’s team winner of Slide Wiki open courseware competition
Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Dr. Angelina Kouroubali and Ioannis Karatzanis, members of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are the winners of the International Slide Wiki open courseware competition for the creation of the original educational course entitled "Interoperability in eHealth".
The online course was created on the SlideWiki open source software platform and is available at: https://slidewiki.org/deck/123176/interoperability-in-ehealth
The interviewprovided by the team isavailable at:
The course introduces the main interoperability principles and addresses the general public. It presents the European Union (EU) initiatives for the promotion of interoperability in the public sector and in Health. It provides an analysis of the basic standards and integration profiles, as well as methods for assessing the maturity of interoperability of electronic public services. Participants will have the opportunity to understand how eHealth interoperability is linked to the Digital Single Market and the promotion of cross-border eHealth services for European citizens. The course is compatible with “Easy-To-Read” methodology to support users with disabilities.
SlideWiki is an online tool that provides the opportunity to design, create and present courses open to everyone. It makes it easier for educators to create, share, reuse, and develop educational content in a truly collaborative way. Existing presentations can be imported and converted into interactive lessons using HTML. The slides can be supplemented with comments, links to resources and material, as well as questions that help students.
FORTH is a leading research center in Greece that, in recent years, has significantly strengthened its position in the field of eHealth and computational biomedicine by developing systems of computational methods, technologies and tools in the wider area of personalized, predictive and preventive medicine. FORTH-ICS is distinguished in conducting basic and applied research, developing applications and products, providing services, and playing a leading role in Greece and internationally, in the fields of Information and Communication Technologies. A large number of tools and applications developed in the past today operate in numerous units at the National Health System in Greece. Most of them are parts of integrated IT systems, fully interconnected with national ICT services, infrastructures and third party applications.
Contact Information:
Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Head of the Center for Electronic Health Applications and Services of FORTH-ICS, Tel. +30 2810391589, E-mail: katehaki@ics.forth.gr