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The Nobel Prize physicist Gérard Mourou at FORTH
An Open Scientific Speech will be given by Professor Gérard Mourou, who was honored with the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018. The event will be held at the Amphitheater of the Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas on 20 May 2019 at 13.00.
The Proteomics Facility of FORTH among the leading European Proteomics Research Groups
The Proteomics Facility (ProFI) at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of FORTH (IMBB-FORTH) participates in the European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium (EPIC-XS), which was recently funded by the European Union with € 10 million in the framework of “Horizon 2020” Work Program, for a four-year period, starting on January 2019. It is worth noting that FORTH is the only Research Center in Greece that participates in this project, among eighteen renowned research teams from all over Europe.
Crete hosts the 2019 International Neurosciences Conference at Fodele Beach Hotel, 7-10 May 2019
With the active participation of the Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas (FORTH), the prestigious International Neurosciences Conference of the European Organization for Molecular Biology (EMBO), entitled "Cell Biology of the Neuron: Polarity, Plasticity and Regeneration”, is held at Fodele Beach Hotel, from 7 to 10 May.
Smart glasses for multifacEted visual loss mitigation and chronic disEase prevention indicator for healthier, saFer, and more productive workplAce foR ageing population
Foundation of Research and Technology – HELLAS participates in the See Far project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program with € 4M for the next 3 years. Twelve partners from five different countries, including universities, research centers and enterprises, participate in the project, providing the necessary experience to ensure the success of the project in all its stages of development.
Great distinction for Dr. Giannis Zacharakis, Principal Researcher of FORTH-IESL

Great distinction for Dr. Giannis Zacharakis, Principal Researcher at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH, who took over responsibilities as President of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI.

New Paper by FORTH researchers published in Nature Communications

Graphene, as one-atom-thick membrane, is susceptible to morphological instabilities such as wrinkles, crumples and folds, which are attributed to several physical causes, such as the mismatch between its thermal expansion and its host substrate or the relaxation of a pre-strained substrate. A particular pattern encountered in graphene grown via Chemical Vapour Deposition is that of mosaic formation, which results from the imposition of thermo-mechanical stresses upon cooling from high temperatures.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas (FORTH) and the European University of Cyprus (EUC)
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas (FORTH) and the European University of Cyprus (EUC) was signed on Tuesday, April 16, 2019, by the President of FORTH, Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis and the Rector of the EUC, Prof. Kostas Gouliamos.
New ENISA office inaugurated in Heraklion – Crete, Greece
On 1 April 2019, the Executive Director of ENISA, Udo Helmbrecht, the Secretary General of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, Vasilis Maglaras, the Regional Councillor of Crete, Giorgos Alexakis on behalf of the Governor of Crete Region Stavros Arnaoutakis, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors at FORTH Nektarios Tavernarakis inaugurated the new office of ENISA located in Heraklion, Crete.
The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission was impressed by his visit to FORTH
Jean-Eric Paquet, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, accompanied by Ms Anna Panagopoulou, Director of the Common Support Centre at DG RTD and the Secretary General of Research and Technology, Ms Patricia Kyprianidou visited the Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas.
Satellite image change detection for rapid detection of landslides after a devastating rainstorm event-“Oceanis” in Crete, Greece
The IMS-FORTH Geophysical Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-Environment Laboratory (Greece), in collaboration with the Centre for Applied Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth (UK), has made a rapid preliminary assessment of recent flooding and landslide devastation in western Crete, which took place after an unprecedented heavy rain storm-“Oceanis” during 24-26 February, 2019
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