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Memorandum of Understanding between FORTH & PwC Greece

A memorandum of understanding was signed at FORTH on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, between FORTH’s President, Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis, and Mr. Kostas Perris, Partner, Consulting Leader of PwC Greece...

Radiology leads flagship of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan – Kick-off for federated European infrastructure for cancer images
Cancer, Collaboration, e-Health, Health

The EUCAIM consortium and the European Commission are excited to announce the official launch of the European Federation for Cancer Images (EUCAIM), a ground-breaking federated infrastructure deployment project aiming to power up imaging and AI towards precision medicine for Europe’s cancer patients and citizens.

FORTH’s Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching goes to Professors Michael Fardis and Lambros Liavas

The 32nd award ceremony for the Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching in memory of Vassilis Xanthopoulos and Stefanos Pnevmatikos took place on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, in the Old Parliament in Athens.

The President of FORTH Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis was awarded the British Computer Society (BCS) Digital Research and Innovation Excellence Award

The award ceremony of the BCS Hellenic IT Awards, was held at the British Ambassador’s Residence in Athens, on 20/12/2022

Prof. Christos Tarantilis, President of the Special Permanent Committee on Research and Technology of the Hellenic Parliament, visited FORTH

Mr. Tarantilis was impressed by his visit to the research laboratories, and the high level of research carried out at FORTH.

Prestigious ERC Starting Grant awarded to FORTH Researcher Dr. Anastasios (Tasos) Kostopoulos
Cultural Heritage, ERC, Grant, History/Culture

The ERC Starting Grants are awarded to talented early-career scientists, who have already produced excellent work and show potential to be research leaders, to launch their own projects.

New distinctions for the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) for its contribution to Health
e-Health, Health, Information & Communication Technologies

For the fourth consecutive year, the innovative actions of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH were rewarded with HealthCare Business Awards at an award ceremony held on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at the Athens International Airport.

FORTH/STEP-C_participates_in_ EUSAIR_POPRI_youth _
FORTH/STEP-C participates in 'EUSAIR POPRI youth' initiative for the support and promotion of youth entrepreneurship in the region of Crete

An important Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Science and Technology Park of Crete (STEP-C) of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) and the «Primorski tehnološki park» (Technology Park of Slovenia) in the context of 'EUSAIR POPRI youth' initiative.

ERA Chair in Green Biotechnology - Microbial Biopesticides at IMBB-FORTH
Agriculture, Biology & Biotechnology

The 5-year 2.5 million euros “MicroBioPest” program will implement multidisciplinary approaches to discover microbial and natural product-based biopesticides originating from highly variable Mediterranean microbial environments.

The innovation of FORTH for the comprehensive management of frailty and prefrailty in older adults
Aging, e-Health, Health

The Center for eHealth Applications and Services (CeHA) of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH has been selected by four procurers, representing healthcare providers from Italy, Germany and Spain, to develop BONVITA

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