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Workshop "Launch of the 2015-16 ESFRI Roadmap update" – proceedings
Τhe objective of the workshop that took place on 25 September 2014 in Trieste (IT) was to raise awareness of the scientific community about the next ESFRI roadmap update in 2015-2016, and the associated landscape analysis of Research Infrastructures within their specific scientific fields.
The Special Eurobarometer 419 on "Public perceptions of Science, Research and Innovation"
The European Commission as published The Special Eurobarometer report which is focusing on public perceptions of science, research and innovation.
New Calls for Energy Efficiency (H2020)
The European Commission has published new calls for proposals for an Energy Efficiency under H2020.
New EU- Mediterranean digital cooperation initiatives
European Union, Jordan and Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Ministers in charge of the Digital Economy launched new cooperation initiatives on the 30th of September.
Giannis Zacharakis, ESMI member
Giannis Zacharakis, Researcher of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of FORTH, has been elected member of the council of European Society of Molecular Imaging (ESMI).
GenderSTE: Gender, science, technology and environment Targeted European Network of Experts COST Action TN1201Q: European Cooperation in Science and Technology
In the context of the Greek Presidency of the E.U. Council, the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH) will host on the 20th of May the meeting of GenderSTE: Gender, Science, Technology and the Environment COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (Action TA 1201) in Heraklion.
Call for the Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching V. Xanthopoulos - St. Pnevmatikos
The call has now opened for the 24th Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching in memory of Vassilis Xanthopoulos and Stephanos Pnevmatikos, both professors at the University of Crete and members of the Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH).
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