TCM 2012: 4th symposium on transparent conductive materials
Over the past few years, there has been an increase in interest in research and applications for transparent conductive materials (TCMs). Whether work is focused on optimization or even replacement in some cases of material platforms such as ITO, or the realization of a variety of cutting-edge applications in the fields of, among others, solar cells, sensors, electrochromic, thermochromic and smart windows, architectural coatings as well as in display technologies, innovative TCMs are regarded as the main candidates for the forthcoming "post-Si" electronics era. Following three successful prior events, the 4th instalment of the conference, TCM2012 took place in Crete in October 21-26, 2012. Over the course of the event, 300 attendees gathered and attended seminars, workshops and high quality presentations and poster sessions highlighting worldwide activities on the topic.