H1 (42) A spectral approach for the clustering of source rocks
V. I. Makri, D. Pasadakis
H2 (171) Hydrogen Storage in Geological Formations – The TWINN2SET project
E. Stamatakis, N. Pasadakis, S. Bellas, E. Gontikaki
H3 (227) Onshore Gas leakages geochemical and geological study: A synthesis and exploration of potential utilization possibilities
S. Bellas, N. Pasadakis, D. Marinakis, E. Gontikaki, K. Selekou
H4 (273) Fragmentation and biodegradation of C-C backbone plastics in the marine environment
N. Kalogerakis, E. Syranidou, K. Karkanorachaki, E. Gontikaki