E-RIHS IP - One (1) research scientist position

Job Board

E-RIHS IP - One (1) research scientist position

Position Description

The candidate will be part of the research group of FORTH-IESL involved in the E-RIHS IP project and will contribute to coordination activities related to (a) ACCESS AND DIGITAL SERVICES OF E-RIHS (WP5) and (b) COMMUNICATION, DISSEMINATION and COOPERATION ACTIONS (WP6). The candidate will be mainly involved in tasks contributing to the digital infrastructure of E-RIHS, such as Modelling heritage science data creation processes and building common vocabularies.

For the full announcement, follow the link "Related Documents"

Related Project

E-RIHS IP - E-RIHS IP - European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase

Required Qualifications

  • MSc in Physical Sciences 
  • Significant experience with cultural heritage studies (object analysis, campaigns) )
  • Extensive knowledge on the data flow relating to heritage science methodologies and techniques involved in services provided in the FIXLAB and MOLAB platforms 

Desirable Qualifications

  • Previous research experience 
  • Relevant scientific publications 
  • Innovative, autonomous, well-organised and result-oriented thinking. Ability and motivation to perform independent research 
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English 
  • Prompt to cooperate with interdisciplinary and international teams

Application Procedure

Interested candidates, who fulfill the above requirements, are kindly asked to submit their applications by e-mail to hr@iesl.forth.gr, with cc to the P.I., Prof. Demetrios Anglos (anglos@iesl.forth.gr).


The application package must include the following:

  • Application Form  (Form Greek or Form English to the left)
  • Detailed curriculum vitae (CV) of the candidate
  • Motivation letter by the candidate
  • Copies (in pdf format) of academic titles/transcripts

Appointment Duration

6 months


Announcement Date:
Closing Date: 07.03.2024
Institute: Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser