POLITEIA Analytical and POLITEIA Cleaning Workshops, 23 June – 04 July 2014
![]() Group photo for POLITEIA 2014 Analytical workshop, 23-27 June 2014 |
![]() Group photo for POLITEIA 2014 Cleaning workshop, June 30 – July 04, 2014 |
The organizign commity of the POLITEIA Analytical and POLITEIA Cleaning would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you for your active participation in this workshop.
We also hope that you found the workshop to have fulfilled its objectives and to give a real feeling on how a number of laser-based analytical and conservation tools may be used in research and practice.
Once again thank you for your participation.
The organising committee
Find more details on : http://www.iesl.forth.gr/research/course.aspx?id=4
Εμπλεκόμενα Ινστιτούτα: |
Ινστιτούτο Ηλεκτρονικής Δομής και Λέιζερ |
23 June-04 July 2014
Εμπλεκόμενα Ινστιτούτα: |
Ινστιτούτο Ηλεκτρονικής Δομής και Λέιζερ |
1st REmote Sensing Technologies in Cultural Heritage Workshop 17th-28th February 2014
The main scope of RESTeCH I Workshop is to introduce undergraduate and graduate students, post doc researchers and professionals to the latest developments of advanced technologies within the domain of cultural heritage and cultural resources management. A series of targeted lectures will be given by expert researchers focusing on archaeological geophysics and geology, marine archaeology and geophysics, geographical information systems and satellite remote sensing
The Workshop is organized under the framework of “KRIPIS – POLITEIA: Culture-Technology: New technologies in research, study, documentation and accessibility in the information of items and monuments of cultural heritage (2013-2015)”, that is financed by the Operational Program «Competitiveness and entrepreneurship» of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF 2007-2013). POLITEIA intends to develop a protocol for the implementation of an integrated system for mapping the cultural environment through innovative technologies for the imaging the subsurface and the surface of archaeological sites.
Find more info at: http://www.ims.forth.gr/restech2014/
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Ινστιτούτο Μεσογειακών Σπουδών |