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Τρεις (3) θέσεις Διδακτορικού/ης Ερευνητή/τριας - Εργαστήριο Π. Μόσχου [Ref. # ORZ-0620]

Announcement Date: 10.05.2024
Closing Date: 20.05.2024
Institute: Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Two (2) postdoctoral researcher positions - N. Tavernarakis Lab [Ref. # ESP-0619]

Announcement Date: 09.05.2024
Closing Date: 19.05.2024
Institute: Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
HEISINGBERG - One (1) master student position

Announcement Date: 08.05.2024
Closing Date: 18.05.2024
Institute: Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser
RESULTS- POST SINGinGR/140146/2/5/2024

Announcement Date: 02.05.2024
Institute: Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics
Evaluation results for the position with ref. num. 137962.

Announcement Date: 02.05.2024
Closing Date: --
Institute: Institute for Mediterranean Studies
Μία (1) θέση Ειδικού Τεχνικού Επιστήμονα - Εργαστήριο Η. Γκιζελή [Ref. # ORZ-0616]

Announcement Date: 30.04.2024
Closing Date: 10.05.2024
Institute: Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Μία (1) θέση Μεταδιδακτορικού/ής Ερευνητή/τριας - Εργαστήριο Η. Γκιζελή [Ref. # ORZ-0615]

Announcement Date: 30.04.2024
Closing Date: 10.05.2024
Institute: Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Total: 1693 | Displaying 161 - 170

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