Photos from the 2nd Distinguished Lecture «Stelios Orphanoudakis»

Professor Vassilios Dougalis, Chairman of the Board of Directors of FORTH, providing a welcome and an introduction to the event. Professor Constantine Stephanidis, Director of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH, presenting the distinguished academic career and outstanding scientific achievements of Stelios Orphanoudakis (1948-2005). Professor Nikolaos Spyratos (Universite Paris-Sud 11, France), Chairman of the Selection Committee of the Distinguished Lectures «Stelios Orphanoudakis» for Computer Science, introducing Dr. Peter Freeman.
Professor Vassilios Dougalis and Professor Nikolaos Spyratos conferring a commemorative plaque to Dr. Peter Freeman. General view of the FORTH amphitheatre during the Lecture Dr. Peter Freeman, Dean Εmeritus and Founding Dean of the College of Computing of Georgia Tech, USA, delivering the 2nd Distinguished Lecture «Stelios Orphanoudakis».
  Dr. Peter Freeman with Miss Helen Orphanoudakis and Mrs Ava Orphanoudakis.
Dr. Peter Freeman with Professor Constantine Stephanidis, Miss Helen Orphanoudakis, Mrs Ava Orphanoudakis and Mrs Barbara Freeman.
Dr. Peter Freeman with Professor Constantine Stephanidis, Miss Helen Orphanoudakis, Mrs Ava Orphanoudakis, Professor Vassilios Dougalis and Professor Nikolaos Spyratos.  

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